Peak Performer 1 RCP

Peak Performer 1 RCP

Peak Span Gas Blender

Peak Span Gas Blender
The Peak Span Gas Blender operation is based on fixed restrictors. It was developed to provide an accurate, reliable and linear device to calibrate the PP1 in your range of interest while lowering the cost of ownership. The Peak Blender minimizes calibration variances by utilizing one certified calibration cylinder to calibrate across the entire dynamic range of the PP1.
The Peak Blender is easy to use and does not need monthly or annual calibration !
The Peak Performer 1 uses a reducing compound photometer (RCP) to measure trace impurities down to part per billion levels, while offering a wide linear range for simple, accurate measurements. The PP1 technology has proven to offer a more cost-effective and user friendly alternative to other instruments for similar applications. In addition, Peak Labs practical experience and ability to customize to suit your applications makes Peak Labs your partner, not just your supplier. Please contact us at Peak Laboratories or your local sales representative for custom applications and further information on our standard applications.
The Peak Performer 1 (PP1) gas chromatograph (GC) can be optimized for your analytical needs in a variety of matrix gases. Typical applications are provided below:
  • H2 and CO in UHP bulk process gases ( e.g. N2, Ar, O2, He )
  • CO in atmospheric research and continuous monitoring stations
  • H2 in groundwater and sediment studies
  • C2H4 in air
Performance (unless specified, carrier gas is 99.999% or purified nitrogen):
Matrix GasN2, Ar, HeO2AirC3H6
H2: Hydrogen800 ppt800 pptn/an/a
CO: Carbon Monoxide300 ppt300 ppt500 ppt5 ppb
C2H4: Ethylene500 ppt500 pptn/an/a
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